Stretching prior to a workout is crucial for your post-workout comfort. Not only does stretching prevent muscle soreness and injury, but it also increases your range of motion. Whether you’re a teen athlete or a grown adult just getting back into fitness, stretching can help you sustain and even avoid muscle pulls and strains.



Stretching the muscle group you are about to use allows you to avoid pulls, strains and general pain. For every workout there is the right stretch for it. Utilizing dynamic stretching at the beginning of a workout will help to warm up most major muscle groups.



The movements within the dynamic stretching routine mimic those movements used during the workout but at a less intense level thereby giving time for the muscles to warm up.Cold muscles can be likened to an elastic band that needs to be warmed before it can be stretched. A light movement warm up for 5 to 8 minutes prior to exercising will add fluidity and mobility to the joints. This will bring blood flow to surrounding muscles and break a light sweat before you start a workout.



If you feel the need to skip either your post or pre-workout stretch (something we highly discourage) make it your pre workout stretch. It is absolutely necessary to stretch after you work out to alleviate the presence of lactic acid and as much residual pain as possible.



Tight muscles have the tendency to tear easily whereas well stretched muscles are much more elastic and can subsequently endure much more. You’ll notice after your workout you wont experience any tightness or soreness in the areas you stretched. More importantly, you’re much less likely to endure any permanent injury.